Group Therapy

Discovering connection + compassion with others


What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is simply a small group of individuals, usually between 5-12 individuals per facilitator, that have similar treatment needs. Utilizing the group process allows the group participants to interact with each other in a way that elicits connection and compassion. Participants will learn through shared feelings, discussion and education.

Group sessions are centered upon evidence-based topics that can compliment individual therapy or be the primary therapy goal. Participants are encouraged to be actively involved and collaborate with each other. A key factor in the strength of a group therapy cohort is their ability to build rapport within the group while developing essential skills.

What types of group therapy is offered?

Various group therapy topics are offered at Total Wellness 365 throughout the year. Topics include:

Group offerings vary throughout the year. Follow links above or contact the office for details of what groups are currently being offered.

Participation and Confidentiality notice for clients having a legal mandate for therapy services.

You will be required to sign a release of information for your therapist to share some details with your legal supervision authority.

You are required to attend all scheduled appointments. Your attendance and participation will be shared with your referral agency (ex. court, parole officer) regularly.